Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

OUR Mission

Grassy Creek Baptist Church exists to love God supremely, love others unconditionally, and equip disciples for significant Kingdom service and
purposeful evangelism.

We Treasure

Jesus above All
Truth more than Tradition
Relationships over Religion
Genuine not Superficial
Service above Self

That the world may know christ

Jesus Above all

Christ is before all things and above all things

truth more than tradition

The Word of God is absolute truth that can be used for everyday living.

Relationships over Religion

The stronger our personal relationship with Christ is the stronger our relationship will be with other Christians.

Genuine not Superficial

Depth and Sincerity in relationships with Christ, our congregation, and our community

Service above self

Our Strategy

"Love, Grow, Go"


The Christian life begins when Jesus becomes YOUR Savior and Lord.
When He owns your life and you own Him as your Redeemer.


Experiencing worship in spirit and in Truth to deepen our love for Christ and for His bride.


 The Great Commission is about making followers of Jesus Christ.


Giving God our Time, Talents and Treasures.


Assembling together with other saints helps to strengthen our church and our community.